Achieve 250 % more efficiency through Software controlled quotation process

RepairCMS offers you a sensational tool that effectively saves time and brings perfect order to the workshop. The perfect software solution for repair and service shops that need to create repair quotes and diagnostic reports for insurance companies or simply want to offer transparent repair cost statements for their customers.

Compatible with:  Compatible with popular browsers

Estimate, quotation software

Here's how:

Add diagnostic text

Select the appropriate text for the defect from the predefined text modules. e.g. if the motherboard is cracked
>>> Template motherboard

Text modules for KVA
Text modules
Select spare parts for the estimate
Spare part selection

Add spare line

Enter the required spare parts. There are 2 options available to you:

A) Scan the item with the barcode scanner.
B) Search by item description in the field

Upload documents and photos

When sending the estimate, there is an option to attach uploaded damage images or service documents

KVA Dispatch
KVA Transmit
Send KVA with e-mail
KVA Email Manager

KVA final inspection

The last step opens the Communication Center with an already predefined KVA text. The Cost estimate can be reviewed before it is sent by email and is then sent as a PDF attachment. As shown in the image, your customer can confirm or reject the estimate via a link provided in the email. 

Waiting for KVA response

The repair order then goes to a designated list: "Waiting for KVA response"
From this point the customer is on the move

Waiting for KVA response
Tracking overview
Repair Tracking Customer Overview

KVA Link Customer View

The customer has received the e-mail and sees the status of the repair via the KVA link. He now has the option to decide how to proceed with the repair: ACCEPT or REJECT.

KVA Software
Sample KVA
Estimate sample

Continue repair

Notifications are triggered immediately after the customer interaction. The technician thus receives the information directly from the customer and can continue the further course of the repair.

  1. A message appears on the dashboard
  2. An e-mail is sent to the previously specified address
KVA status message
MWF status message

Advantages of the KVA tool

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